Workers’ Compensation
We understand that managing chronic pain can be complex. We provide a holistic approach to patient care, while utilizing clinical treatments for proven results. Our unique approach uses a comprehensive service model that holds providers accountable, helps keep patients safe and reduces workers’ compensation medical costs.
Let us help you today!
Improve Injured Worker Care
Many work related injuries involve managing chronic pain through the use of powerful narcotics. Without careful utilization management and a treatment approach that focuses on patient education and engagement, chronic pain can negatively impact claims outcomes. At Integrated Pain And Neuroscience we understand that managing chronic pain can be complex. We provide a holistic approach to patient care, while utilizing clinical treatments for proven results. Our unique approach uses a comprehensive service model that holds providers accountable, helps keep patients safe and reduces workers’ compensation medical costs. Integrated programs enable payors to return injured workers to a state of good health and control expenses.
A Growing Epidemic
Chronic pain has developed into a health care epidemic affecting almost 1 in 4 Americans. The prescription costs commonly used to treat chronic pain now represent 21% (Source: NCCI) of the medical spend. Integrated Pain And Neuroscience knows that the issue of chronic pain can be quite complex, and, in response, we have developed a multidisciplinary solution. We provide a holistic approach to patient care while utilizing clinical methods for
proven results.
Complete Care for Injured Workers
We can treat your employee or client from the onset of their injury until their final discharge. As the most comprehensive pain management practice in the greater New Orleans area, our physicians understand that early diagnosis and
treatment of musculoskeletal injuries are the keys to returning an injured worker to the job as quickly as possible. We provide excellent medical care to the injured worker, while at the same time keeping the employers and insurance carriers apprised of the patient’s treatment plan, progress and status.
We work closely with the patient, the employer and the carrier to develop appropriate work restrictions and light duty assignments, if necessary. We understand the value of work-injury prevention and provide education to our patients in proper body mechanics, ergonomic and post-injury rehabilitation. Additionally, our physicians have received training in workers’ compensation procedures and guidelines to assure that our communications are clear and informative. Our goal is to help injured workers return to work.
We work closely with the patient, the employer and the carrier to develop appropriate work restrictions and light duty assignments, if necessary. We understand the value of work-injury prevention and provide education to our patients in proper body mechanics, ergonomic and post-injury rehabilitation. Additionally, our physicians have received training in workers’ compensation procedures and guidelines to assure that our communications are clear and informative. Our goal is to help injured workers return to work.
We’ll help you get back to living life and work.
An Interdisciplinary Approach
The consistent and clear communication across not just all specialties, but all departments, allows all claims to be handled in a consistent and focused direction. This collaborative approach ensures everyone understands the objectives of the pain management plan while providing a clear and consistent message to the injured worker.
We Offer…
- Board Certified Physicians who are knowledgeable in Workers’ Compensation guidelines & procedures
- Full-time workers’ compensation coordinator
- Comprehensive reports sent within 24 hours of appointment
- Same-day urgent care appointments for Workers’ Compensation cases
- Licensed Physical Therapists who deliver focused care, work conditioning & ergonomic instruction
- Bi-lingual staff
- Drug & alcohol testing
- Independent medical evaluations (IME)
- Accept procedure-only referrals
- Medication management
- Diagnostic testing (nerve blocks, EMGs, etc.)
- Multiple convenient locations
- Onsite ambulatory surgery centers
Bringing It All Together
Integrated Pain And Neuroscience provides a unique approach to pain management with our suite of integrated
services. We begin with identification through medical bill review and claims management data, then action with
physician case management, wellness therapy, case management and physical therapy coordination. This
collaborative approach is leveraged through our provider relationships and integrated system.
Successfully Managing Work-related pain
The clinical management of chronic pain is a biopsychosocial challenge in itself; however, when the pain
occurs in the context of workers compensation, there is even greater clinical complexity. It has been
demonstrated that specific treatment programs can alter the expected trajectories. For example, by instituting
some basic acute back pain management initiatives in the workplace (immediate appointments, provision of
reassurance, time contingent analgesia, encouragement to remain at work, medical liaison with immediate
supervisor), patients with compensable non-specific back injuries can recover speedily (returned immediately to
normal duties) and with minimal recurrence rates (recurrence of back pain) compared to those under usual care.